9/11 Research Wiki

Q7: I read online that you were almost on one of the hijacked flights on September 11? Is that true?

McFARLANE: It did happen. I was giving a lecture in Rhode Island at my old college the night before and I was booked on Flight 11. It was a combination of being hung-over the next day and my travel agent writing down the wrong time. She wrote down 8:15 instead of 7:45 so I got there about 7:30 and they said that they had just closed the gates, you're too late. And that was the first flight that hit.

Q: God. I also read that you couldn't get a hold of your wife or the office too, and no one knew you were safe and OK...?

McFARLANE: Why is that on there? I'm not married, I don't have kids! I did get a hold of my parents within the first twenty minutes. I mean, this is why I don't have the internet...

